Analysis API Overview

The Analysis API group of methods is used for retrieving calculated (materialized) results of your analyses, e.g. Funnels, Reports, Retentions, and Segmentations.

Please be aware that:

  • Results of your analyses may contain Private data (PII).
  • Results may be cached up to 10 minutes.

Analyses API common response information

CSV format

Returns plain CSV as text in the payload body. The first row is a header, comma as separator, escaped with double-quotes.

Common errors:

    "errors": {
        "_global": [
            "No permission to export analyses. Check Project settings -> API -> GDPR -> Export analyses."
    "success": false
    "errors": {
        "_global": [
            "The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again."
    "success": false
    "errors": {
        "format": [
            "Value must be one of ('native_json', 'table_json', 'csv')."
    "success": false